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Dominican International School Kaohsiung

關於高雄道明外僑學校 Dominican International School Kaohsiung

在1954年1月成立,是高雄歷史最悠久的外僑學校,是天主教學校,跟台北的道明是同一個體系的天主教會修女,不過行政作業系統都不屬於同一個體系。學校腹地廣大,孩子的活動空間很大,非常適合活潑的學生就讀。道明外僑學校是高雄最早設立的外僑學校,學校建築有歷史風韻,校園環境乾淨整齊。教學採用美國小學課程,即使我們在亞洲,也能享受正統的美式教學。對學生品德重視,關心孩子的成長。學校提供幼兒園中班(4歲)至8年級課程,上課必須穿著制服,體育課有運動服,但每個月的第二個周五是便服日,孩子可以在這天展現自己的喜歡的便服搭配。每個班級人數約20人,高年級與低年級的學生相處融洽。學校專屬活動Pair story time – 由高年級說故事給低年級與幼兒園的孩子聽,增加孩子在社交上與不同年齡孩子相處的適應力與表現力! 從一年級開始,每周都有5堂的中文課,建立孩子中文的扎實基礎。



About DIS Kaohsiung

Established in January 1954, it is the oldest foreign school in Kaohsiung. The campus is vast with a lot of space for children to move around, which is very suitable for active students. The school building has historical charm and the campus environment is clean and tidy. The teaching adopts the American elementary school curriculum. They also pay attention to students' morality and care about children's growth. The school provides classes from Kindergarten (4 years old) to Grade 8. Uniforms must be worn in class, and sportswear is provided for physical education classes. However, the second Friday of each month is casual clothes day, and children can wear their favorite casual clothes on this day. There are about 20 students in each class, and the students in the upper and lower grades get along well. Pair story time is an exclusive school event – the senior grades tell stories to the lower grades and kindergarten children, increasing children’s social adaptability and expressiveness in getting along with children of different ages! Starting from the first grade, there are 5 Chinese lessons every week to build a solid foundation for children in Chinese.

DIS is an internationally competitive school that provides a multicultural and multilingual learning environment and is committed to creating a safe learning environment so that students can know what they want and build confidence in the learning process. Teachers maintain a student-centered classroom atmosphere, and teachers will also set achievable goals so that students have enough confidence to pursue their dreams and achieve excellent academic performance. Diversified school activities stimulate children's creativity and develop coordination in group activities.

DIS focuses on the development of children's character education, and cultivating the willpower of children's moral cognition, emotion, behavior and other self-control. They teach the original care and value of life, cultivate children's ability to judge correctly, cultivate students' careers, and give students the ability to know how to face life and the future.


1. 外國護照彩色影本

2. 申請表格

3. 入學測驗(考試費用3500台幣)

4. 前兩年的學校成績單

5. 兩張近期護照規格照片

How to Apply:

1. Color photocopy of foreign passport.

2. Application form.

3. Entrance test (examination fee 3500 Taiwan dollars).

4. School transcripts for the previous two years.

5. Two recent passport size photos.

No. 107, Zhonghua 1st Road, Gushan District, Kaohsiung City, 804 (804高雄市鼓山區中華一路107號)
The copyright of all pictures on this page belong to Dominican International School Kaohsiung.
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