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Taipei American School






高中部(相當於台灣學制: 國中三年級到高中三年級)


低年級部分,每班除了一位導師,還有一位助理老師,協助學生在課堂中的問題。入學方式孩子一定要有外籍護照,也必須繳交父母與孩子的護照影印本及入台簽證,雖然中華民國法律規定就讀外僑學校的學生須持有外籍(非中華民國)護照, 每年報名人數仍然超出學校的負荷量,因此學校對於入學資格規定嚴密, 主要是採順位制。

About Taipei American School

Founded in 1949, Taipei American School is one of Asia’s top independent schools, offering an American-based education with a truly global perspective to students in pre-kindergarten (KA) through Grade 12 from the expatriate community in Taipei. We offer both AP and IB courses for our students, allowing our learners to personalize their courses to their learning goals.

We are a bridge. Our students begin here, their minds open and eager, their goals and aspirations for the future setting their course. It is our duty as educators and guides to cultivate within them the intellectual and emotional fortitude to take on the challenges ahead. Our community bridges the traditions of the West with the spirit of the East. Our American-based educational program is augmented by a deep respect for learning, development, and achievement. Through our academic program, the rigor and discipline that we instill in our students, we have also become a bridge to the best American colleges and universities, and indeed colleges around the world.




3.父母雙方持有美國以外的外國護照。 〈*不含中華民國(ROC)與中華人民共和國(PRC)護照〉






The order of priority for admissions is roughly as follows:

1. At least one of the parents is employed by the American Institute in Taiwan.

2. At least one of the parents holds US citizenship.

3. Both parents hold foreign passports other than those of the Republic of China (ROC) and the People's Republic of China (PRC).

4. One parent holds a foreign passport other than that of the United States, while the other holds a passport of either the ROC or the PRC.

5. Both parents hold ROC citizenship, or one holds an ROC passport while the other holds a PRC passport.

6. Both parents hold PRC passports, and the child holds a PRC passport, but the child meets the requirements set by the Ministry of Education of the ROC.

Special consideration will be given to applicants:

1. Who have siblings currently enrolled at TAS or have been recently admitted to TAS.

2. Whose parents or siblings are alumni of TAS.

TAS 2017 Junior Class Video
No. 800, Section 6, Zhongshan North Road, Shilin District, Taipei City, 111 (111台灣台北市第六區中山北路800號)
The copyright of all pictures on this page belong to Taipei American School.
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