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Taipei Fuhsing Private School

關於復興實驗高級中學 Taipei Fuhsing Private School


有中文課程與普通班用共同版本,培養學生國文優異程度。數學科也與普通班共用版本,小三以後用中文上數學課程,其他課程英文、社會、自然課程使用美國課綱,國外主流教材,全以英語教學。高中雙語部提供(Advanced Program)提前協助學生準備大學預科課程,同時也提供SAT、TOEFT課程,協助學生申請美國大學。多元選修課程(Elective Course):聘請外籍教師開辦英語選修課程,如小說、電影、辯論、動畫、環保、新聞、寫作等課。外籍教師生動活潑的教學,增加學生多元學習經驗。每年國外大學錄取表現優異,師生共同為畢業生努力為目標。

About Taipei Fuhsing Private School

Founded in 1946 as an elementary school, Taipei Fuhsing Private School is now among the most exclusive private schools in Taipei, Taiwan. We feature a K-12 integrated curriculum, stressing traditional values as well as international perspectives and embodying the best of both Chinese and Western educational philosophies. Fuhsing’s goal is and has always been to cultivate future world-class leaders for Taiwan.

Taipei Fuhsing Private School is an institution that strives for educational excellence and welcomes the future. Fuhsing has achieved a high academic reputation in Taiwan because of its well-organized and well-rounded program. All of its senior-high graduates, from both Divisions, have entered either local four-year colleges or universities around the world.


外國護照彩色影本新生入學登記抽籤{TM}1.登記資格:年滿六足歲、設籍臺北市。(106學年度入學資格:民國99年9月2日至100年9月1日出生之學童) {TM}(1)其父、母或本人具有外國國籍者,須出具有效期限內之護照,中國大陸、香港及澳門不包含在內。 {TM}(2)本國外事人員之子女。 {TM}(3)出國二年以上且新近歸國(未滿二年)之本國人士之子女。{TM}★ 戶口名簿正本或外僑居留證正本。正本查驗,繳交影本。{TM}(外僑須檢附居留證正本及所依親屬須設籍臺北市){TM}★ 家長私章 (父或母皆可){TM}★ 報名費200 元{TM}★ 符合登記資格(1)者: 請攜帶護照正本查驗,繳交影本。{TM}★ 符合登記資格(2)者: 請攜帶公司外派之證明。{TM}★ 符合登記資格(3)者: 請檢附出入境管理局出具之出入境證明。{TM}7.招生名額:另行公告。

How to Apply:

1. The household registration must be registered in Taipei City.

2. Must be 6 years old.

3. Applicants should bring the following documents:

The original household certificate. Foreigners should bring the student's ARC and the original household certificate that he/she is dependent on.
Parent's stamp.
Registration fee: NT$200.

4. If the number of students exceeds our elementary bilingual school capacity, admission shall be determined by a public random drawing.

5. Students transferring to Grades 2-6 should apply at school on August 01. Both students and parents should be present, bringing the documents mentioned above. To be eligible for admission, your child must meet one of the following qualifications:

6. The child or either parent holds a foreign nationality.

7. The child of any diplomats who have been assigned by the government to station abroad.

8. The child of any employee in a foreign company who has either worked abroad for more than two years.

9. For more information on admissions procedures, please contact Admissions at:

Tel: (02)2771-5859 #524


天下別無拯救-蕭泰然 Taipei Fuhsing Private School Choir台北市私立復興中小學
No. 262, Section 1, Dunhua South Road, Da’an District, Taipei City, 106 (106台北市大安區敦化南路一段262號)
The copyright of all pictures on this page belong to Taipei Fuhsing Private School.
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